If you are an overseas business wanting to drive up your profitability and increase your competitiveness, Britain is the place to be. It’s easier to do business in the UK than in any other major European economy.

Market opportunity

Over 64 million people live in the UK – a major market in its own right. But it is also the gateway to Europe, the world’s largest single market with more than 500 million consumers.

Companies choose to expand or move their businesses to the UK because Britain is the number one location for European headquarters with more overseas companies than anywhere else.

The United Kingdom has:

  • people with the talent and the right skills
  • a simple and competitive tax rate system
  • a transparent regulatory system making it easier to do business

International companies locate to the UK because they want to:

  • access new or existing customers
  • develop new products
  • find new suppliers and partners
  • do more business in other countries across Europe

If you want to invest, if you want to expand, if you want great incentives and an economy that’s going from strength to strength, then come to the UK – we would be happy to help you set up your company here.

Aster Growth Partners can help you gain access to prospective customers or business partners in the UK.